Pro Se Clinics

Assisted Pro Se Clinics

One way that Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas helps low-income people with their civil legal problems is through assisted pro se clinics. The assisted pro se clinics are only for uncontested cases. In our assisted pro se clinics, attorney and paralegal volunteers give people the legal forms and support they need to get their case finished on their own.

Pro Se Divorce Clinics:

Typically, VLS places low-income people who have been separated for some time and are in agreement about what to do with any children and property in one of the assisted divorce clinics.

VLS has six assisted pro se divorce clinics that run continually throughout the year, including the Assisted Pro Se Divorce Clinic for:

  • English-speakers Without Children or Property
  • Spanish-speakers Without Children or Property
  • English-speakers With Children and No Property
  • Spanish-speakers With Children and No Property
  • Victims of Domestic Violence Without Children or Property
  • Victims of Domestic Violence With Children and No Property

Pro Se Grandparent & Caregiver Clinic:

VLS has an assisted pro se clinic to help low-income grandparents who have been raising their grandchildren, or other caregivers who have been raising the children of a relative, get custody of the children in their possession. These grandparents or caregivers must have been raising the children for at least six months and the biological parents must be in agreement that the grandparent or caregiver.